Do you know this feeling when your hair is wet and wavy from the ocean and your lips are tasting like salt every time you drive over it with your tongue? This feeling when the sun is burning on your face that beads of sweat emerge on your forehead? And this feeling when the cool puff of wind gives you a pleasant refreshment? This feeling is called vacation. It means you are by the sea. You are in a warm country. You are free like a bird.

When I first came to Ischia I felt this freedom. I felt peace and happiness. I would say Ischia is an island that could heal every wound in your soul. It makes you forget things. It can just make you feel good. 


Ischia, Italy, Itinerary, View


About Ischia

Secluded from the mainstream tourism, Ischia was very calm and idyllic. It was the third and last stop of my Italy trip and the best way to end my journey. I spent one week on the largest island in the gulf of Naples just to relax and come down after busy city trips in Rome and Naples.

When I recommend a month then it is definitely September. The high season is over and the beaches aren’t crowded anymore. With about 28°C (82°F) it was still hot and the ocean gave a nice cooling. So, it probably is the best time to go. Ischia is also quite hilly and about 46 km² (18 mi²) big – and most important not very touristic.


Ischia, Italy, Itinerary, Beach


From Naples you get there easily by ferry within one hour. On the island you can take busses or cabs to get around. Because the busses drive whenever they want (that was my impression at least). But you can also rent a car if you don’t want to waste your time with waiting for busses. However, the best way is still walking. You have enough time to see everything and can just stop and take pictures or enjoy the view. 


Ischia, Italy, Itinerary, View


Barano & Maronti Beach

My boyfriend and I rented an apartment in Barano, a small town uphill from where we had a beautiful view to the ocean. From there we could walk in less than 10 minutes to the supermarket and the small city center.

Within 30 minutes we were at the Maronti Beach, a beach with little stones. It always was a little exhausting, but still a good walk down to the ocean and you stayed in motion – especially after the whole day resting at the beach. And you can eat or drink something at the beach restaurant to gather new strength for your way back.

Still looking for a place to stay? Use the search box below to find a nice and cozy place on Ischia. Or simply ask me anything in the comments at the end of the post.


Ischia, Italy, Itinerary, Maronti Beach


The Maronti beach also gives you a great chance to walk along the beach. It is almost 3 km (1,8 mi) long and the sun is shining at it from morning to night. So if you travel with your partner in crime it can be really romantic when you want to watch the sunset. 



Ischia, Italy, Itinerary, Maronti Beach, Entrance


Ischia, Italy, Itinerary, Walking


Ischia, Italy, Itinerary, Underwater, GoPro, Floating


Ischia, Italy, Itinerary, Underwater, GoPro, Diving



From Barano you can take the bus to make a one day trip to Sant’Angelo. It is a more touristic area where the German president Angela Merkel usually likes to spend her vacation. You find little shops and good restaurants there.

But the best thing to do in Sant’Angelo is the Parco Termale Tropical, a beautiful thermal spa without a roof, but with different hot and cold pools and a steam bath. When you spend a day there, I bet you don’t want to leave this place anymore. It is just the perfect way to relax on a sunny day. 


Ischia, Italy, Itinerary, Sant'Angelo


Ischia, Italy, Itinerary, Sant'Angelo, Harbor


Ischia, Italy, Itinerary, Sant'Angelo, Boats


Ischia, Italy, Itinerary, Things to do in Sant'Angelo


Ischia, Italy, Itinerary, Sant'Angelo, Restaurant


Ischia, Italy, Itinerary, Sant'Angelo by night


If you feel to do some sightseeing after all these relaxing days in the spa or at the beach, Ischia is the perfect island to just get on a ferry to the neighbor island Capri for a one-day-trip. It takes about one hour from Ischia Porto to the touristic hotspot.  

So while writing this post I really want to go back. It was a great island with beautiful spots. But be aware when you’re going to Ischia once, you might never ever want to leave again. Just saying! If you want to know more about my Italy itinerary, read here my posts about Rome and Naples.

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Hi, I'm Verena, the creator of this travel blog, and I'm in love with traveling. If you share the same passion, this blog is for you! Grab a cup of tea, relax and enjoy reading!


  • February 13, 2019

    This looks so amazing! Italy is number one on my bucket list! These pictures make me want to go NOW!

  • February 12, 2019

    These pictures…WOW!! Ischia is now on my bucket list. The idea of scuba diving here looks especially tempting… *books flight*, great article, thank you (Mary)


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