
To me there’s nothing better than lying on the beach, sipping lemonade and enjoying the sun while watching the ocean. And I love it even more if it’s snowy and freaking cold in my home country while I’m far away at a warm place escaping the winter. I do it almost every year that I pack my bags in January or February when it gets super cold in Germany to go somewhere warm. 

Actually, it happens quite a lot that people tend to be depressed during winter, because of the grey weather. So I thought it might be a good idea to show you some cool spots to escape the winter blues. From Australia to Mexico – find here my hot collection of heavenly warm places!


palm trees, warm places



Australia is a great country to escape the winter. Because it is located in the southern hemisphere, it’s summer over there while in Europe or America it’s winter at the same time. So the warmest travel time is between October and March with temperatures of 25°C and 40°C (77°F to 104°F). 

Due to the big size of the continent, Australia is separated in three different climate zones. In the north, it’s usually tropical and rainy season, in the middle latitudes it’s subtropical and in the south the climate is temperate. So the best cities to escape are definitely in the southern part of Australia such as Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne on the one hand and Perth on the west coast on the other.

So if you’re up for hanging out at some awesome beaches, visiting National Parks and great cities or just doing a road trip along the Great Ocean Road, Australia is the country to go!


Warm Places, Australia


Central America

Countries like Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, and Mexico lie close to the equator which means, it’s warm all year round. Though, they have a dry and rainy season. But the good news for you: from November to April – so during wintertime – you can expect nice weather with fewer insects and temperatures of about 25-30°C (77-86°F). 

If you like snorkeling or diving, you will enjoy yourself since it’s the best time to do so. But because it’s the dry season, you also have to expect more people and higher prices there. The countries live from tourists and adjust their prices according to the season. 


Central America


The Galapagos Islands

The Galapagos Islands are located at the equator about 1000 km (621 mi) west of the Ecuadorian coast in South America and belong to Ecuador. Although the islands are located near the equator, the climate is temperate due to the relatively cool seawater. Still, temperatures vary only slightly. 

While from January to June you can expect rain, but warm weather (up to 30°C/86°F), from July to December the weather is dry, but a little colder (not less than 20°C/68°F). The warmest month is March, the coldest are August and September.

So in November/December when it starts to get cold in your home country, you can head to the Galapagos Islands to swim in the ocean and to enjoy pleasantly warm weather. The sun shines for five to six hours which is just perfect – not too warm, not too cold! 


Galapagos Islands



The Caribbean islands are located in the tropics and have only slight temperature fluctuations of 25 to 30°C (77-86°F) during the year. But in the summer months, there can be hurricanes. So the period from mid-November to the end of April is considered to be the most popular and best travel time of the Caribbean. 

Also for those who plan to do a cruise, the European winter tends to be the best travel time in the Caribbean, as the sea is usually noticeably quiet and you can enjoy the sun undisturbed during the day. 





The US state of Florida represents the separation between the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. While on the east coast (Miami) you have the Atlantic Ocean, on the west and south coast you find the Gulf of Mexico (Key West). Usually, the Atlantic Ocean tends to be warmer during the winter months. But the north you come (Jacksonville), the colder it gets even there. 

So if you plan to visit the Sunshine State during the winter season, stay in the south since there you can expect a warm to mild Florida climate throughout the year. 

In the summer months, Florida is haunted by hurricanes. So the best time to leave your country for a warm place is definitely from October to April. 


Escape the Winter, Florida


South Africa

Like Australia, South Africa is located in the southern hemisphere. So it’s one of those countries that are great to escape the winter because you can expect hot and dry weather between November and March. The temperatures are around 30°C (86°F) or more.

Besides the scenic diversity, South Africa has also different climates to offer. From the desert climate, through subtropical climatic conditions to the Mediterranean climate – which you have in Cape Town – everything can be found in South Africa. In higher regions, you can expect cold nights or frost – even during the African summer. 

If you don’t want to hike higher mountains, you will be fine with summer clothes and warm, dry weather.


Escape the Winter, South Africa



The Philippines in Southeast Asia consists of more than 7,100 associated islands. You can imagine how different the climate is between these islands. But you can expect a tropical climate in the Philippines.  

Moreover, you find there two seasons: dry and rainy. The dry season in the Philippines starts in January and ends in March. Until May it gets really hot and the temperatures can climb up to 40°C/104°F. The rainy season starts in June and can come with typhoons. But in the Philippines typhoons can happen throughout the year. 

So if you want to travel to the Philippines – especially to Cebu, Bohol or Palawan, February is the best month for you with warm temperatures around 28°C/82°F. It’s always sunny and less rainy then. 


Palawan, Philippines, Itinerary



Dubai can be super hot. So it’s hard to stand the heat during the summer months. Good thing this post is about the best places to escape the winter because Dubai is the perfect city for winter escapes. The best travel time is from November to April. Temperatures can still reach up to 32°C/90°F, but it’s sunny all day and a swim in the ocean can be a real refreshment. 

During the colder months of January and February, you should avoid desert tours due to sandstorms. In these months it can get uncomfortable, because of the lack of view and the windy weather. Better are the months November, December, March, and April to enjoy an unforgettable desert tour.


Escape the Winter, Warm Places, Dubai


I hope I could give you some inspiration for the cold winter months. I for my part have already planned my vacation to Bali in February and I’m very excited to escape the winter as it already feels pretty cold here in Germany. 

Have you any plans yet? Or have you been to a country during the cold months which I haven’t listed here? Let me know in the comments below!

Verena Signature


Escape the winter, Pinterest, Postcards from V


Hi, I'm Verena, the creator of this travel blog, and I'm in love with traveling. If you share the same passion, this blog is for you! Grab a cup of tea, relax and enjoy reading!

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